Overview of downstream user reports July-Dec 2013

Table 1

Overview of downstream user reports
Reporting began in May 2011
July 2013 -
Dec 2013
Total from
May 2011 -

Dec 2013

Number of reports received

46 313

Number of substances reported

37 193

Number of legal
entities reporting

26 120
Reason for the downstream user report

Downstream user to prepare chemical safety report

40 288

Substance used in total qty < 1 tonne/year

6 25

Substance used for PPORD

0 0

Classification differs from supplier

0 0
Reason for downstream user chemical safety report

Use not covered despite communicating it to supplier

45 294

Confidential Business Information

8 13

Did not provide information due to burden of supply chain communication mechanisms

9 22

Use advised against

0 5

Other/not specified

4 18


Table 2

This table presents the number of reports, substances and use sites reported on a country by country basis. The main site where the substance is manufactured or formulated before supply is reported where there are a number of use sites.

Overview of reporting by country: July 2013 to December 2013
Country Number of Reports Number of Substances

Number of legal entities reporting

Total 46 37* 26
France 8 8 5
Germany 18 18 9
Italy 1 1 1
Spain 5 5 3
United Kingdom 5 5 4
All other countries 9 9 4

*This is not the sum of the rows below, as some substances were reported from more than one  country