Substance Information

Data platform availability banner - infocard, search, nanomaterias

REACH Registration data can be found in the new ECHA CHEM database. The old ‘Registered substance factsheets’ will be available on this web site during the transition period but have not been updated since 19 May 2023. More


Substance Infocard


Silver zinc zeolite

Help Substance identity

The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the molecular and structural formulas.

Some substance identifiers may have been claimed confidential, or may not have been provided, and therefore not be displayed.

EC (European Community) Number

The EC Number is the numerical identifier for substances in the EC Inventory. The EC Inventory is a combination of three independent European lists of substances from the previous EU chemicals regulatory frameworks (EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP-list). More information about the EC Inventory can be found here.

If the substance was not covered by the EC Inventory, ECHA attributes a list number in the same format, starting with the numbers 6, 7, 8 or 9.

The EC or list number is the primary substance identifier used by ECHA.

CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) registry number

The CAS number is the substance numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, to substances registered in the CAS registry database. A substance identified primarily by an EC or list number may be linked with more than one CAS number, or with CAS numbers that have been deleted. More information about CAS and the CAS registry can be found here.

Molecular formula

The molecular formula identifies each type of element by its chemical symbol and identifies the number of atoms of each element found in one discrete molecule of the substance. This information is only displayed if the substance is well–defined, its identity is not claimed confidential and there is sufficient information available in ECHA’s databases for ECHA’s algorithms to generate a molecular structure.

Molecular structure

The molecular structure is based on structures generated from information available in ECHA’s databases. If generated, an InChI string will also be generated and made available for searching. This information is only displayed if the substance is well-defined, its identity is not claimed confidential and there is sufficient information available in ECHA’s databases for ECHA’s algorithms to generate a molecular structure.

More help available here.

EC / List no.: 603-404-0

CAS no.: 130328-20-0

Mol. formula:

No image available
Help Hazard classification and labelling

The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance based on the standardised system of statements and pictograms established under the CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. The CLP Regulation makes sure that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union. The CLP Regulation uses the UN Global Harmonised System (GHS) and European Union Specific Hazard Statements (EUH).

This section is based on three sources for information (harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), REACH registrations and CLP notifications). The source of the information is mentioned in the introductory sentence of the hazard statements. When information is available in all sources, the first two are displayed as a priority.

Please note:

The purpose of the information provided under this section is to highlight the substance hazardousness in a readable format. It does not represent a new labelling, classification or hazard statement, neither reflect other factors that affect the susceptibility of the effects described, such as duration of exposure or substance concentration (e.g. in case of consumer and professional uses). Other relevant information includes the following:

  • Substances may have impurities and additives that lead to different classifications. If at least one company has indicated that the substance classification is affected by impurities or additives, this will be indicated by an informative sentence. However, substance notifications in the InfoCard are aggregated independently of the impurities and additives.
  • Hazard statements were adapted to improve readability and may not correspond textually to the hazard statements codes description in the European Union Specific Hazard Statements (EUH) or the UN Global Harmonised System (GHS).

To see the full list of notified classifications and to get more information on impurities and additives relevant to classification please consult the C&L Inventory.

More information about Classification and Labelling is available in the Regulations section of ECHA website.

More help available here.

Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH)

Harmonised classification and labelling is a legally binding classification and labelling for a substance, agreed at European Community level. Harmonisation is based on the substance’s physical, toxicological and eco-toxicological hazard assessment.

The ‘Hazard classification’ and labelling section uses the signal word, pictogram(s) and hazard statements of the substance under the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) as its primary source of information.

If the substance is covered by more than one CLH entry (e.g. disodium tetraborate EC no. 215–540–4, is covered by three harmonisations: 005–011–00–4; 005–011–01–1 and 005–011–02–9), CLH information cannot be displayed in the InfoCard as the difference between the CLH classifications requires manual interpretation or verification. If a substance is classified under multiple CLH entries, a link to the C&L Inventory is provided to allow users to view CLH information associated with the substance and no text is automatically generated for the InfoCard.

It is possible that a harmonisation is introduced through an amendment to the CLP Regulation. In that case, the ATP (Adaptation to Technical Progress) number is displayed.

More info on CLH can be found here.

Classification and labelling under REACH

If available, additional information on classification and labelling (C&L) is derived from REACH registration dossiers submitted by industry. This information has not been reviewed or verified by ECHA, and may change without prior notice. REACH registration dossiers have greater data requirements (such as supporting studies) than do notifications under CLP.

Notifications under the Classification Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation

If no EU harmonised classification and labelling exists and the substance was not registered under REACH, information derived from classification and labelling (C&L) notifications to ECHA under CLP Regulation is displayed under this section. These notifications can be provided by manufacturers, importers and downstream users. ECHA maintains the C&L Inventory, but does not review or verify the accuracy of the information.

Note that for readability purposes, only the pictograms, signal words and hazard statements referred in more than 5% of the notifications under CLP are displayed.

GHS05: Corrosive GHS08: Serious Health Hazard GHS09: Hazardous to the Environment

Danger! According to the harmonised classification and labelling (ATP10) approved by the European Union, this substance is very toxic to aquatic life, is very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects, causes serious eye damage, is suspected of damaging the unborn child and causes skin irritation.

Biocidal Uses

This substance is being reviewed for use as a biocide in the EEA and/or Switzerland, for: disinfection, preservation films, preservation of fibres, leather, rubber, or polymers.

Help Properties of concern

The ‘Properties of concern’ section shows ECHA-assigned graphical indicators for certain substance properties that are regarded as being of relevance or importance to human health and/or the environment based on the information provided to the Agency.

Properties of concern are calculated at four "levels" of certainty:

  • "Recognised" - meaning that the concern is indicated in an official source. Recognised concerns are illustrated with a dark red icon. Sources for these are either a Harmonised C&L (CLP Regulation Annex VI) or in the Candidate list of substances of very high concern for authorisation (REACH).
  • "Potential" - again comes from official sources only. Potential concerns are illustrated with a light red icon. For (C), (M), and (R) it means that the concern is suspected in a Harmonised C&L (CLP Regulation Annex VI), as Carc. 2, Muta. 2, or Repr. 2. For (PBT) and (ED) Potential means that the concern is under assessment in the PBT or ED assessment list, and the outcome indicates a potential ED. There are no potential (Ss) or (Sr)s.
  • "Broad agreement" - comes from data submitted by industry to ECHA, and indicates that the data submitted is aligned, with >= 50% of the data submitters providing the same concern. Broad agreement concerns are illustrated with a solid outlined circle icon.
  • "Minority position" - comes from data submitted by industry to ECHA, and indicates that the data submitted is not aligned. > 5% and < 50% of the data submitters have provided the concerns indicated at this "level". Minority position concerns are illustrated with a greyed out circle icon.

The following properties of concern are calculated:

  • Carcinogenic (C) – Recognised carcinogen: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Carc. 1A or 1B and/or an entry in the Candidate list. Potential carcinogen: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as a suspected carcinogen Carc.2. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is carcinogenic. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is carcinogenic. More information about carcinogenicity here.
  • Mutagenic (M) – Recognised mutagen: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Muta. 1A or 1B and/or an entry in the Candidate list. Potential mutagen: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as a suspected mutagen Muta. 2. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is mutagenic. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is mutagenic. More information about mutagenicity here.
  • Toxic to Reproduction (R) – Recognised as toxic to reproduction: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Carc. 1A or 1B and/or an entry in the Candidate list. Potentially toxic to reproduction: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as suspected toxic to reproduction Repr. 2. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is toxic to reproduction. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is toxic to reproduction. More information about reproductive toxicity here.
  • Skin sensitising (Ss) – Recognised skin sensitiser: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Skin Sens. 1, 1A, or 1B. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is a skin sensitiser. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is skin sensitising. More information about skin sensitiser here.
  • Respiratory sensitising (Sr) – Recognised respiratory sensitiser: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Resp. Sens. 1, 1A, or 1B and/or an entry in the Candidate list. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is a respiratory sensitiser. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is a respiratory sensitiser. More information about respiratory sensitiser here.
  • PBT – Recognised Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) (or vPvB): comes from an entry in the Candidate list. Potential PBT: is shown for substances under assessment, and comes from an entry in the PBT assessment list. Broad agreement: comes from industry data where a majority of data submitters agree the substance is PBT. Minority position: comes from industry data where a minority of data submitters indicate the substance is PBT. More information about persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances here.
  • ED – Recognised Endocrine Disruptor (ED): comes from an entry in the Candidate list. Potential ED: is shown for substances under assessment, and comes from an entry in the ED assessment list, if the outcome is not final and “Not ED”. At this time there is no industry submitted data taken into account to display an ED property of concern. More information about endocrine disrupting substances here.
  • POP – Recognised Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP): comes from an entry in the Annex I, II or III to the POPs Regulation and/or an entry in the Annex A, B or C to the Stockholm Convention. Under assessment as Persistent Organic Pollutant: is shown for substances that have been proposed for their inclusion in the Stockholm Convention and are under assessment, or for which a proposal is under preparation in the European Union. Note that proposals that have been set aside, either before their submission by the EU to the Convention, or by the POP Review Committee are still indicated as "Under assessment as POP".

The substance properties displayed in this section are derived from Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) data, entries in the Candidate list of substances of very high concern for authorisation, the PBT assessment list, the ED assessment list, REACH registered dossier data and from notifications made under CLP. A prioritisation hierarchy means that data is taken from harmonised C&L data and regulatory lists first, then REACH registrations and finally from CLP notifications. By clicking on the "More details" button you can see the exact origin(s) of each Property of Concern.

Impurities or additives: When a specific critical property is calculated from industry data and where the majority of data submitters have indicated that the property relates to cases containing impurities and/or additives, then the respective critical property icon is modified with an asterisk (*).

  • R

Suspected to be Toxic to Reproduction

  • ED

Under assessment as Endocrine Disrupting

More details Properties of concern - more details
Properties of concernSource(s)
  • R

Suspected to be Toxic to Reproduction

  • ED

Under assessment as Endocrine Disrupting

about INFOCARD - Last updated: 02/12/2023 InfoCard

The InfoCard summarises the non-confidential data of a substance held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). InfoCards are generated automatically based on the data available at the time of generation.

The quality and correctness of the information submitted to ECHA remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The type of uses and classifications may vary between different submissions to ECHA and for a full understanding it is recommended to consult the source data. Information on applicable regulatory frameworks is also automatically generated and may not be complete or up to date. It is the responsibility of the substance manufacturers and importers to consult official publications, e.g. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union.

InfoCards are updated when new information is available. The date of the last update corresponds to the publication date of the InfoCard and not necessarily to the date in which the update occurred in the source data.

More help available here.

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Key datasets


Regulatory context

Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. This substance has been found in the following regulatory activities (directly, or inheriting the regulatory context of a parent substance):

REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation
CLP - Classification, Labelling and Packaging
  • Harmonized C&L
    CLP Regulation Annex VI
    Substances for which an agreed set of classification and labelling data has been agreed at EU level by Member States.
  • Substances for which classification and labeling data have been submitted to ECHA in a registration under REACH or notified by manufacturers or importers under CLP. Such notifications are required for hazardous substances, as such or in mixtures, as well as for all substances subject to registration, regardless of their hazard.
  • Proposals for new, or updates to existing harmonised classification and labelling of substances.
BPR - Biocidal Products Regulation
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive-repealed
  • Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Directive 90/385/EEC on Active Implantable Medical Devices, 20 July 1990, amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, 21 September 2007

    This list contains hazardous substances for purposes of Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices, particularly as regards Article 3 and Annex I (Essential Requirements). This non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 90/385/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.

CAD - Chemical Agents Directive
  • CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Article 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents
    EU. Hazardous Substances - Article 2(b)(i), Directive 98/24/EC on Protection of Workers from Chemical Agent-related Risks, 5 May 1998 (Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, as amended)

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory based on the list of substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e., Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC). While the harmonised list covers many hazardous substances, others not listed may also meet the classification criteria in accordance with the CLP Regulation.

Construction Products Regulation
  • Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Annex I (3) (Requirements for Construction Works), Regulation 305/2011/EU on Marketing of Construction Products, amended by Regulation 574/2014/EU, 28 May 2014

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances taken from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP; (2) the Candidate List of SVHCs; (3) Annex XIV of REACH (Authorisation List); (4) Annex XVII of REACH (Restrictions List); (5) F-gases subject to emission limits/reporting per Regulation 517/2014/EU; and (6) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the Ambient Air Directive 2008/50/EC. The basis of the list is Annex I(3) of the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EC, which stipulates that construction works must not have a high impact on human health or the environment as a result of: giving off toxic gas; emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil.

  • Construction Product Regulation - Article 6(5) - SDS and Declaration
    EU. Hazardous Substances Subject to Declaration (Article 6(5)), Regulation 305/2011/EU on Marketing of Construction Products, amended by Regulation 574/2014/EU, 28 May 2014

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances originating from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP (i.e., the list of harmonised substances); (2) the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs); and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List). This list is compiled on the basis of Article 6(5) of Regulation 305/2011/EC on Marketing of Construction Products. This provision requires SDSs and information on hazardous substances (i.e., SVHCs) contained in construction products be provided with the declaration of performance.

Cosmetic Products Regulation
  • Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances
    EU. Prohibited Substances: Annex II, Regulation 1223/2009/EC on Cosmetic Products, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2024/996, OJ L of 4 April 2024

    This list contains substances which are banned from use in any cosmetic products marketed for sale or use in the European Union.

EU Ecolabel Regulation
  • Ecolabel - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures
    EU. Hazardous Substances which may Preclude Goods from the Ecolabel Award as per Article 6(6) of Regulation 66/2010/EC, L 27/1, 30 January 2010

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances based on the list of hazardous substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e. Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation), and the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). Pursuant to Article 6(6) of the EU Ecolabel Regulation, the ecolabel must not be awarded to goods containing substances or mixtures classified according to the CLP as toxic; hazardous to the environment; and carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMRs). Nor are products allowed the ecolabel award when they contain SVHCs (per Article 57 of REACH). While the CLP's harmonised list contains many such substances, other ones not listed in Table 3 may also meet the criteria specified for classification under the CLP.

End-of-Life Vehicles Directive
  • End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances per Article 2(11) of End-of-Life Vehicles Directive 2000/53/EC, 21 October 2000, amended by Directive 2020/363/EU, 5 March 2020 (based on Table 3/Annex VI of CLP)

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances as defined by Article 2(11) of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive 2000/53/EC. It is based on the relevant subset of substances with harmonised classification listed in Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.

Food Contact Active and Intelligent Materials and Articles Regulation
  • Active and Intelligent Materials - CMR Substances not allowed for use
    EU. Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reproductive substances Not Allowed for Use in Components of Active and Intelligent Materials and Articles (Article 5(2)(c)(i)), Regulation 450/2009/EC, 30 May 2009

    This list contains a non-exhaustive list of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reproductive substances (CMRs) that are not allowed for use in components of active and intelligent materials and articles per Art. 5(2)(c)(i) of Regulation 450/2009/EC. The list is derived from a subset of substances on Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (1272/2008/EC).

General Product Safety Directive
  • General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC), 15 January 2002, amended by Reg 596/2009/EC, 18 July 2009

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the European Union's hazardous substance definitions, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annexes XIV and XVII (Authorisation and Restriction lists). They can be considered hazardous for purposes of the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC.

In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive-repealed
  • In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Article 3 & Annex I (Essential Requirements), Directive 98/79/EC on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices, 7 December 1998

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of essential requirements (Article 3 and Annex I) for general safety, design, manufacture and hazard communication of in vitro diagnostic medical devices. It is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Note that Regulation 2017/746/EU on in vitro diagnostic medical devices was published in the EU Official Journal on 5 May 2017. With few exceptions specified in Articles 112 and 113 of this Regulation, Directive 98/79/EC is repealed, and the rules pursuant to 2017/746/EU apply, from 26 May 2022.

In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation
  • In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Art. 5(2) and Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices, 5 May 2017, as corrected 27 December 2019

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, including Chap. 2 (Placing on the market and putting into service) and Annex I (General Safety and Performance Requirements). It is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list).

Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive
  • Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Directive 2008/56/EC (Marine Strategy Framework Directive), 25 June 2008, amended by Directive 2017/845/EU, 18 May 2017

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, especially as it concerns Art. 3(8), and Annexes I and III. The listed substances meet the European Union's definitions as hazardous, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (1272/2008/EC); (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List).

Medical Devices Directive-repealed
  • Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC, 12 July 1993, amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, 21 September 2007

    This list contains hazardous substances in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive's (MDD) design and construction requirements pursuant to Annex I, Part II (7) & (8) (i.e., chemical, physical and biological properties; and infection and microbial contamination). Specifically, the non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 93/42/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.

Medical Devices Regulation
  • Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745/EU, 5 May 2017, as amended by Regulation 2020/561/EU, 24 April 2020

    This list contains hazardous substances for purposes of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), based on the legislation's Annex I general safety and performance requirements, including for chemical, physical and biological properties. Specifically, the non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list).

Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive
  • Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II
    EU. Chemical Agents: Annexes I & II, Directive 92/85/EEC on Pregnant Workers, 28 November 1992 (updated by table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, 5 October 2018)

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances to which pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding may not be exposed. Employers are obligated to prevent the exposure of these workers to any agents that may have adverse health effects on either mother or child. The inventory originates from Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP.

Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive
  • Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances
    EU. Hazardous Substances for Purposes of Directive 89/391/EEC, 29 June 1989, amended by Regulation 1137/2008/EC, 21 November 2008 (Table 3/Annex VI, CLP; Annex III, 2000/54/EC)

    This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the scope of the European Union's definition of hazardous chemical and biological substances, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; and (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents). The EU's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Framework Directive 89/391/EEC applies to risks arising from chemical, physical and biological agents at the workplace.

Safety and/or Health Signs at Work Directive
  • Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes
    EU. Workplace Signage: Annexes I and III, Directive 92/58/EEC, last amended by Directive 2014/27/EU, 5 March 2014

    This list contains hazardous substances based on Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC. According to the annexes to Directive 92/58/EEC, storage areas and containers containing chemical substances or mixtures that are classified as hazardous according to the CLP Regulation must be duly marked and/or labeled. Directive 92/58/EEC requires employers to ensure proper signage is posted in areas where hazards cannot be avoided or reduced.

WFD - Waste Framework Directive
  • Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties
    EU. Substances according to Hazardous Waste Properties: Annex III, Directive 2008/98/EC, 22 November 2008, amended by Directive 2018/851/EU, 14 June 2018

    This list contains substances that have been assigned hazard property (HP) waste codes 1-15, as defined in terms of the hazard class and category, hazard (H) statement, and/or concentration limits provided in Annex III of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC. The classifications of the substances listed in the list are based on their harmonised classifications per Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.

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Substance names and other identifiers

Regulatory process names
Silver zinc zeolite
Biocidal active substances, Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances
silver zinc zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions)
[This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2+ and/or Ca2+ each at level < 3 %]
C&L Inventory, FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties
Silver zinc zeolites
Zeolites, AgZn
Pre-Registration process
Translated names
Ezüst-cink-zeolit (hu)
Biocidal active substances
Hopeasinkkizeoliitti (fi)
Biocidal active substances
hopeasinkkizeoliitti (zeoliitti, LTA-runkotyyppi, pintamodifioitu hopea- ja sinkki-ioneilla) [Tämä nimike kattaa LTA (Linde type A) -runkotyypin zeoliitin, joka on pintamodifioitu sekä hopea- että sinkki-ioneilla, pitoisuudet Ag+ 0,5 %–6 %, Zn2 + 5 %–16 %, ja mahdollisesti fosforilla, NH4+, Mg2+ ja/tai Ca2+, kunkin pitoisuus < 3 %] (fi)
C&L Inventory
Hõbetsinktseoliit (et)
Biocidal active substances
hõbetsinktseoliit (tseoliit, LTA võretüüp, pindmiselt modifitseeritud hõbeda ja tsingi ioonidega)[Käesolevas kandes käsitletakse LTA (Linde A-tüübi) võrega tseoliiti, mille pinda on modifitseeritud järgmise ioonide sisalduseni: hõbe Ag+ 0,5 % – 6 %, tsink Zn2 + 5 % – 16 % ja võib olla modifitseeritud ka fosfori, NH4+, Mg2+ ja/või Ca2+ ioonidega, igaühte < 3 %.] (et)
C&L Inventory
sidabro cinko ceolitai (ceolitai, LTA tipo struktūra, paviršius modifikuotas sidabro ir cinko jonais) [Šis įrašas skirtas LTA (Linde's A tipo) struktūros ceolitams, kurių paviršius modifikuotas sidabro ir cinko jonais, kurių kiekiai Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, taip pat gali būti modifikuota fosforu, NH4+, Mg2+ ir (arba) Ca2+, kiekvieno jų kiekis < 3 %] (lt)
C&L Inventory
Sidabro cinko ceolitas (lt)
Biocidal active substances
Silber-Zink-Zeolith (de)
Biocidal active substances
Silber-Zink-Zeolith (Zeolith, Linde Typ A, Oberfläche mit Silber- und Zinkionen modifiziert)[Dieser Eintrag betrifft Zeolith vom Typ LTA (Linde Typ A), dessen Oberfläche mit Silberund Zinkionen mit einem Gehalt von Ag+ 0,5%-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 % und möglicherweise Phospor, NH4+, Mg2+ und/oder Ca2+ jeweils < 3 % modifiziert wurde.] (de)
C&L Inventory
Silver zinc zeolite (no)
Biocidal active substances
silver zinc zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions) [This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2+ and/or Ca2+ each at level < 3 %] (sk)
C&L Inventory
silver zinc zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions) [This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0.5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2 + and/or Ca2+ each at level < 3 %] (nl)
C&L Inventory
silver zinc zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions) [This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0.5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2+ and/or Ca2+ each at level < 3 %] (hu)
C&L Inventory
silver zinc zeolite (Zeolite, LTA framework type, surface-modified with silver and zinc ions)[This entry covers LTA (Linde Type A) framework type zeolite which has been surface-modified with both silver and zinc ions at contents Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, and potentially with phosphorus, NH4+, Mg2 + and/or Ca2+ each at level < 3 %] (bg)
C&L Inventory
Silverzinkzeolit (sv)
Biocidal active substances
silverzinkzeolit (zeolit, LTA-typ, ytmodifierad med silver- och zinkjoner) [Denna post omfattar zeolit av LTA-typ (Linde typ a) som har ytmodifierats med både silver- och zinkjoner i halterna Ag+ 0,5 %–6 %, Zn2 + 5 %– 16 %, och eventuellt med fosfor, NH4+, Mg2+ och/eller Ca2+, vardera i halter på < 3 %] (sv)
C&L Inventory
srebro cinkov zeolit (zeolit z osnovno rešetko tipa LTA, površinsko modificiran s srebrovimi in cinkovimi ioni) [ta vnos zajema zeolit z osnovno rešetko LTA (Linde tip A), ki je površinsko modificiran tako s srebrovimi kot cinkovimi ioni pri vsebnostih Ag+ 0,5–6 % in Zn2+ 5–16 % ter potencialno s fosforjem, NH4+, Mg2+ in/ ali Ca2+, pri čemer je raven vsakega od njih < 3 %] (sl)
C&L Inventory
Srebro-cink-zeolit (hr)
Biocidal active substances
Srebrov cinkov zeolit (sl)
Biocidal active substances
srebrov cinkov zeolit (zeolit, s LTA strukturom, čija je površina modificirana srebrovim i cinkovim ionima) [Ovaj unos obuhvaća zeolit s LTA (Linde Type A) strukturom čija je površina modificirana srebrovim i cinkovim ionima u udjelima Ag+ 0,5-6 %, Zn2 + 5-16 % te moguće fosforom, NH4+, Mg2+ i/ili Ca2+ u udjelima manjim od 3 %] (hr)
C&L Inventory
stříbrno-zinečnatý zeolit (cs)
Biocidal active substances
stříbrno-zinečnatý zeolit (zeolit, typ struktury LTA, s povrchem modifikovaným ionty stříbra a zinku) [Tato položka zahrnuje zeolit se strukturou typu LTA (Linde Type A) s povrchem modifikovaným stříbrnými i zinečnatými ionty při obsahu Ag+ 0,5 % – 6 %, Zn2 + 5 % – 16 % a potenciálně fosforem, NH4 +, Mg2+ a/nebo Ca2+, každým při úrovni < 3 %] (cs)
C&L Inventory
Sudraba cinka ceolīts (lv)
Biocidal active substances
sudraba cinka ceolīts (ceolīts, struktūras tips: LTA, virsma modificēta ar sudraba un cinka joniem) [Šis ieraksts aptver LTA (Linde Type A) struktūras tipa ceolītu, kura virsma modificēta gan ar sudraba, gan cinka joniem (Ag+ 0,5 %–6 %, Zn2 + 5 %–16 %) un, iespējams, ar fosforu, NH4+, Mg2+ un/ vai Ca2+, katru < 3 % līmenī] (lv)
C&L Inventory
sølvzinkzeolit (da)
Biocidal active substances
sølvzinkzeolit (zeolit, LTA-struktur, overflademodificeret med sølv- og zinkioner)[Denne indgang omfatter zeolit med LTA-struktur (Linde Type A), der er blevet overflademodificeret med både sølv- og zinkioner, med indhold af Ag+ på 0,5 % — 6 %, Zn2 + på 5 % — 16 %, og potentielt med fosfor, NH4+, Mg2+ og/eller Ca2+, hver < 3 %] (da)
C&L Inventory
Zeolit de argint și de zinc (ro)
Biocidal active substances
zeolit de argint și de zinc (zeolit, tip de structură LTA, cu suprafața modificată prin ioni de argint și de zinc) [Această intrare include zeolitul cu structură de tip LTA (Linde Type A) a cărui suprafață a fost modificată cu ioni de argint și de zinc cu un conținut de Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 % și, potențial, cu fosfor, NH4+, Mg2+ și/sau Ca2+, fiecare la un nivel < 3 %] (ro)
C&L Inventory
zeolit strieborno-zinočnatý (sk)
Biocidal active substances
Zeolit zawierający srebro i cynk (pl)
Biocidal active substances
zeolit zawierający srebro i cynk (zeolit, typ LTA, o powierzchni zmodyfikowanej jonami srebra i cynku) [Pozycja ta obejmuje zeolit typ LTA (Linde Type A), którego powierzchnię zmodyfikowano jonami srebra i cynku w proporcjach Ag+ 0,5 %–6 %, Zn2 + 5 %–16 %, oraz potencjalnie fosforem, NH4+, Mg2+ lub Ca2+ na poziomie < 3 %] (pl)
C&L Inventory
Zeolita de plata y cinc (es)
Biocidal active substances
Zeolita de plata y cinc (zeolita, tipo marco LTA, modificada en superficie con iones de plata y cinc)[esta entrada incluye a la zeolita de tipo de marco LTA (tipo A de Linde) que se ha modificado en superficie con iones tanto de plata como de cinc, con un contenido de Ag+ del 0,5 %-6 %, de Zn2+ del 5 %-16 %, y posiblemente con fósforo, NH4+, Mg2+ o Ca2+, cada uno a un nivel < 3 %] (es)
C&L Inventory
Zeolite d'argento e di zinco (it)
Biocidal active substances
zeolite d'argento e di zinco (zeolite, tipo Linde «A», modificato in superficie con ioni di argento e di zinco) [Questa voce comprende lo zeolite tipo Linde «A» modificato in superficie con ioni di argento e di zinco a livelli Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, e potenzialmente con fosforo, NH4+, Mg2+ e/o Ca2+, ciascuno a livello < 3 %] (it)
C&L Inventory
Zeólito de prata e zinco (pt)
Biocidal active substances
Zeólito de prata e zinco (zeólito, homologação LTA, superfície modificada com iões de prata e zinco) [Esta entrada abrange o zeólito de homologação LTA (tipo Linde A) cuja superfície foi modificada com iões de prata e de zinco (teores de Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %) e, eventualmente, com fósforo, NH4+, Mg2+ e/ou Ca2+, em teores < 3 %] (pt)
C&L Inventory
Zilverzinkzeoliet (nl)
Biocidal active substances
Zéolite d'argent et de zinc (fr)
Biocidal active substances
Zéolite zinc argent (zéolite, type de structure LTA, surface modifiée par des ions argent et zinc) [Cette entrée couvre la zéolite de structure LTA (Linde Type A) dont la surface a été modifiée par des ions argent et zinc de teneurs Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, et potentiellement par du phosphore, NH4+, Mg2+ et/ou Ca2+ chacun à un niveau < 3 %] (fr)
C&L Inventory
żeolit taż-żingu tal-fidda (Żeolit, tat-tip bi struttura LTA, b'superfiċje modifikata b'joni tal-fidda u taż- żingu) [Din l-entrata tkopri ż- żeolit tat-tip bi struttura LTA (Linde Type A) b'superfiċje modifikata b'joni kemm tal-fidda kif ukoll taż-żingu b'kontenuti ta' Ag+ 0,5 %-6 %, Zn2 + 5 %-16 %, u potenzjalment bil-fosfru, NH4+, Mg2+ u/jew Ca2+ f'kull livell < 3 %] (mt)
C&L Inventory
Żeolite taż-żingu tal-fidda (mt)
Biocidal active substances
Ζεόλιθος αργύρου-ψευδαργύρου (el)
Biocidal active substances
ζεόλιθος αργύρου-ψευδαργύρου (ζεόλιθος, τύπος πλέγματος LTA, επιφανειακή τροποποίηση με ιόντα αργύρου και ψευδαργύρου)[Η εγγραφή αυτή καλύπτει τον ζεόλιθο με πλέγμα τύπου LTA (Linde Type Α) που έχει υποστεί επιφανειακή τροποποίηση με ιόντα αργύρου και ψευδαργύρου σε περιεκτικότητα Ag+ 0,5 %–6 %, Zn2 + 5 %–16 %, και ενδεχομένως με φωσφόρο, NH4+, Mg2+ και/ή Ca2+ σε επίπεδο < 3 % το καθένα] (el)
C&L Inventory
Зеолит със сребро и цинк (bg)
Biocidal active substances
IUPAC names
Silver zinc zeolite
C&L Inventory
Other names
Zeolites (synthetic), AgZn
Pre-Registration process
Other identifiers
C&L Inventory
Index Number
C&L Inventory, Biocidal active substances, Pre-Registration process, FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Other
CAS number