
National Inspectorates - Greece

In Greece, the enforcement of REACH, CLP, BPR, POP and PIC Regulations is implemented under the following national legislations in which the organisation and responsibilities of respective enforcement authorities and their means of control are stipulated.

Authorities responsible for REACH enforcement

Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority for Public Revenue, is responsible for the enforcement of REACH Regulation.

Authorities responsible for CLP enforcement

  • Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority for Public Revenue, is responsible for the enforcement of CLP Regulation for all chemical products, except products falling under the BPR Regulation.
  • Directorate of plant production protection, Directorate General of Agriculture, Ministry of Rural Development and Food is responsible for the enforcement of CLP Regulation concerning the products falling under Regulation 1107/2009/EC and part of products falling under the BPR Regulation.
  • National Organization for Medicines, Ministry of Health is responsible for the enforcement of CLP Regulation concerning part of products falling under the BPR Regulation.

Authorities responsible for BPR enforcement

  • Directorate of plant production protection, Directorate General of Agriculture, Ministry of Rural Development and Food is the enforcement Authority for BPR Regulation concerning a part of Biocides products (PTs 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21).
  • National Organization for Medicines, Ministry of Health is the enforcement Authority for BPR Regulation concerning a part of Biocides products (PT: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 22).

Authorities responsible for POP enforcement

Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority is the Competent Authority for coordinating the national enforcement Authorities of POP regulation.

  • Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority for Public Revenue, is responsible for the enforcement of articles 3, 4, 5 (except waste), 11 and 12 of POP regulation in the field of industrial chemicals. It is also responsible for article 13, to draw up (in cooperation with the other enforcement authorities), publish the report and give the Commission and the Agency access to the information contained in the report.
  • Directorate of plant production protection, Directorate General of Agriculture, Ministry of Rural Development and Food is responsible for the enforcement of articles 3, 4, 5 (except waste) 11 and 12 in the field of pesticides. It also provides the relevant data to the Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority for Public Revenue in order to draw up the report according to article 13.
  • Directorate of Waste Management, General Secretariat of Waste Management Coordination, Ministry of Environment and Energy, is responsible for the enforcement of articles 5, 11 and 12 in the field of waste. Furthermore, it is responsible for the enforcement of articles 6, 7, 9 and 10 (for the enforcement of articles 6 and 9 it cooperates with the other enforcement Authorities).

Authorities responsible for PIC enforcement

  • Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products, General Chemical State Laboratory (GCSL), Independent Authority for Public Revenue is the enforcement Authority in the field of industrial chemicals.
  • Directorate of plant production protection, Directorate General of Agriculture, Ministry of Rural Development and Food is the enforcement Authority for pesticides.
  • Directorate of Customs Procedures, General Directorate of Customs and Excise Duty, Independent Authority for Public Revenue is responsible for the enforcement of article 18 (for industrial chemicals and pesticides).