
ECHA e-News - 14 January 2015

ECHA e-News
ECHA e-News is a weekly update from the European Chemicals Agency

REACH 2018

REACH 2018 Roadmap published

ECHA has published its REACH 2018 Roadmap, which outlines the Agency's milestones planned in the run up towards the final REACH registration deadline. The last registration deadline for existing chemicals will be on 31 May 2018. The deadline concerns companies that manufacture or import substances in low volumes, between 1-100 tonnes per year.

Press release | ECHA's REACH Roadmap 2018 | REACH 2018 web pages

New version of the ePIC IT-tool available

In accordance with Article 10 of the PIC Regulation, during the first quarter of every year companies must report the actual quantities of chemicals subject to the PIC Regulation that have been exported/imported during the previous calendar year. They must also provide details on the companies in the non-EU countries with which they traded these chemicals. The deadline to submit the above information is 31 March of each year. ECHA would like to encourage all exporters/importers to carry out this task in good time.

News alert | ePIC tool | PIC web pages

New and improved search for chemicals

The search for chemicals on ECHA's website provides new features which make it easier for you to find information about substances. The main change is the addition of an autocomplete which helps you find the exact substance you are interested in. Other improvements include the provision of alternative names for the same substance, the inclusion of EC and CAS identifiers when they are available, a clearer layout which lists the results by regulation, and the possibility to still perform a 'wild search' resulting in the substance information being displayed in a better organised way.

The 'wild search' can be done by writing a string in the search box and clicking the magnifying glass without picking a suggestion from the autocomplete's dropdown.

Information on chemicals

New CLH consultation launched on the biocide cyproconazole

ECHA has started a 45-day public commenting period on the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) proposal for cyproconazole (CAS 94361-06-5) submitted by Ireland.

This substance is used as a wood preservative and fungicide, and the dossier submitter is proposing changes and additions to the current harmonised classification relating to health and environmental hazards. The final date for submitting comments is 27 February 2015.

Current CLH consultations

Registry of Intentions updated


Four CLH intentions were received, two from Denmark and two from the United Kingdom. The new CLH intentions are pyridazine-3,6-diol (EC 204-619-9), fludioxonil (ISO) (CAS 131341-86-1), pinoxaden (ISO) (CAS 243973-20-8) and flutianil (ISO) (CAS 958647-10-4).

Seven CLH proposals were submitted. Amisulbrom (ISO) (CAS 348635-87-0) was submitted by the UK, phosmet (ISO) (EC 211-987-4) was submitted by Spain, maleic anhydride (EC 203-571-6) and succinic anhydride (EC 203-570-0) were submitted by Austria, 4-tert-butylphenol (EC 202-679-0) was submitted by Norway, S-methoprene (CAS 65733-16-6) and oxathiapiprolin (CAS 1003318-67-9) were submitted by Ireland.

Current CLH intentions | Submitted CLH proposals

The Public Activities Coordination Tool (PACT) updated

The tool for advance notice on substances being considered for risk management (PACT) has been updated with nine new intentions for RMOA development.

The Netherlands has submitted six new RMOA intentions: aniline (EC 200-539-3); penta-1,3-diene (EC 207-995-2); benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid 1,2-anhydride (EC 209-008-0); tricobalt tetraoxide (EC 215-157-2); cobalt titanite green spinel (EC 269-047-4); fatty acids, C18 unsaturated, reaction product with ammonia-ethanolamine reaction by-products (EC 629-757-0).

ECHA has submitted three RMOA intentions: reaction mass of disodium 2-(hexadecylthio)-1-(4-sulfonatobutyl)-1H-benzimidazole-5-sulfonate and disodium 2-(hexadecylthio)-1-(4-sulfonatobutyl)-1H-benzimidazole-6-sulfonate (EC 452-830-1); tris(2-methoxyethoxy)vinylsilane (EC 213-934-0); copper sulphide (EC 215-271-2). Concern for these three substances is related to impurity.

In addition, Sweden has published a conclusion document on 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-10-alkyl esters (EC 271-094-0).

PACT-RMOA substances


Topical Scientific Workshop on Soil Risk Assessment

7-8 October 2015, Helsinki

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), in partnership with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), will hold a Topical Scientific Workshop on Soil Risk Assessment with academics, regulators, representatives of industry, and other stakeholders. The aim of the workshop is to develop new or improved scientific approaches in support of European regulations in this area.

Participation in the workshop will be by invitation only. The first announcement with an Expression of Interest will be published in early 2015.

Event page

Ongoing consultations

Start: 12 December 2014
Deadline: 26 January 2015

16 testing proposals

Identification of substances of very high concern

No ongoing consultations

Draft recommendation of substances for the Authorisation List

No ongoing consultations

Harmonised classification and labelling

Start: 9 December 2014
Deadline: 23 January 2015

2 CLH proposals

Start: 13 January 2015
Deadline: 27 February 2015

1 CLH proposal (new)


Start: 10 December 2014
Deadline: 9 February 2015
2 consultations on SEAC draft opinion

Start: 17 September 2014
Deadline: 17 March 2015
1 restriction proposal

Start: 17 December 2014
Deadline: 17 June 2015
1 restriction proposal

Applications for authorisation

No ongoing consultations

Biocides consultation

No ongoing consultations

European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland