
e-News - 30 November 2011


30 November 2011


Lead Registrant Workshop – registration is now open!REACH2013

The European Chemicals Agency has opened the registration to a workshop taking place in Helsinki on 2-3 February 2012 for lead registrants who are preparing for the 2013 registration deadline. The workshop is by invitation only for those lead registrants that have notified ECHA of their role using the lead registrant nomination web-form.

The workshop is part of a series of information sessions directed exclusively to lead registrants as part of the "REACH 2013 – Act Now!" campaign. The workshop will allow them to learn about the necessary steps to be taken to lead a successful SIEF and to share experiences with other lead registrants about sharing and assessing data for the preparation of joint submission dossiers.

The majority of the workshop presentations will be web-streamed and a recording of the workshop will also be published on the ECHA website following the event.

Further information about the workshop is available at:
Lead registrant Workshop

Lead registrant notification web-form:
Lead registrant notification form

Lead Registrant Webinar Series launched on 22 November

The European Chemicals Agency hosted the first of a series of lead registrant webinars: "The importance of substance identification for the 2013 registration deadline" on 22 November 2011. 

The webinar was an interactive information session targeted at lead registrants and allowed them to better understand the steps that need to be taken for successful registration in 2013. The webinar lasted for up to two hours and provided an overview of substance identification and lessons learnt from the REACH registration deadline in 2010. It focused on the following topics:

  • General purposes of substance identification and context within the SIEF
  • Observations from 2010 registration

The presentations and recordings of the first lead registrant webinar are now available at: 

News Alerts

ECHA publishes a Guidance in a Nutshell on identification and naming of substances under REACH and CLP
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a new Guidance in a Nutshell and an updated Guidance Fact Sheet on identification and naming of substances under REACH and CLP.

On the web

New harmonised classification and labelling consultations: two substances

Jobs at ECHA