
e-News - 25 June 2014







ECHA e-News is a weekly update from the European Chemicals Agency

Biocidal Products Committee

The Biocidal Products Committee adopts opinions on nine active substances

The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) met for the sixth time from 16 to 19 June 2014. The adopted opinions concern, and support the approval of the following active substances and their product-types (PTs): folpet for PTs 6, 7 and 9, carbon dioxide for PT 15, alpha-cypermethrin for PT 18, dinotefuran for PT 18, copper pyrithione for PT 21, tolylfluanid for PT 21, propan-2-ol for PTs 1, 2 and 4, Bacillus sphaericus for PT 18 and Bacillus thurigiensis subs. Israelensis Serotype H14, strain SA3A for PT 18. The fields of applications of the active substances include preservatives, an avicide and two micro-organisms used to control mosquito and black fly larvae.

News alert | Biocidal Products Committee


Consultation on the draft sixth Annex XIV recommendation will start on 1 September

ECHA has an obligation to regularly recommend substances from the Candidate List to the Authorisation List (Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation) and is currently working on the sixth Annex XIV recommendation.

The public consultation on the draft sixth Annex XIV recommendation will commence on the 1 of September and continue until the 30 November 2014. The start of the public consultation is postponed from June to September to allow interested parties more time to prepare their input. The sixth Annex XIV recommendation is foreseen to be submitted to the European Commission in summer 2015.

To support the Commission in its decision-making, interested parties will also be invited to submit information on possible economic, social, health and environmental impacts (costs and benefits) of the inclusion of the substances in Annex XIV.

Authorisation under REACH

New practical guide on intermediates launched

The new practical guide helps registrants and downstream users to comply with requirements for intermediates under REACH and to identify information to report in the registration dossier. The document gives a number of practical examples illustrating the type of information to be provided.

News alert | Guidance on REACH

ECHA launches a new partners service for authorisation applicants

Companies, consortia, industry associations and consultants are welcome to use ECHA's partners service to find partners for their authorisation applications. The service may also be used to communicate between suppliers, clients or to inform other companies about potential alternatives. Its use is limited to the substances on the Authorisation List (Annex XIV of REACH) and the substances which are recommended for inclusion in the Authorisation List. Several companies have already signed up to the service, however, it will only be helpful if all potential applicants sign up for it, so please use it!

Partners service for applicants

New CLH consultation launched on the fragrance linalool

ECHA has started a 45-day public commenting period on the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) proposals for linalool. This substance does not yet have a harmonised classification, and the dossier submitter, the Swedish MSCA, is proposing classification for skin sensitisation. Linalool is a fragrance found in various types of consumer products such as adhesives, finger paints, perfumes, ink, toners, and cosmetics. The deadline for submitting comments is 8 August 2014.

Ongoing consultations

Important reminder for PIC exporters

In order to migrate your data (export notifications, special RIN requests and details on mixtures and articles) from EDEXIM to the new submission system, ePIC, the "ownership" of the data must be digitally assigned to your company using a unique identifier that is recognised by both systems. This Legal Entity Universal Unique Identifier (LE UUID) can be obtained from the REACH-IT application. Please log into EDEXIM, where you will find detailed instructions, and provide your LE UUID no later than 22 August 2014.


Announcement of two new appeals

The Board of Appeal has published announcements concerning two new appeals.

Appeal announcements


New webinar announced: ePIC industry webinar

26 August 2014, 11:00 - 13:00 Helsinki Time (EEST, GMT+3)

The webinar provides an overview of the ePIC tool used by industry to meet their obligations under the Prior Informed Consent Regulation. It will cover basic aspects of the tool such as the interface, buttons, search functions and other features.


Registration opens for the Biocides Stakeholders' Day

24 September 2014, Helsinki

The event provides key biocides stakeholders with information about the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) including the tools and support available for companies. The objective of the event is to make sure that companies are aware of their roles and obligations to assist them in meeting the relevant BPR requirements.

One-to-one sessions will be organised between participants and ECHA staff on key topics. Further information about booking a session will be sent to participants closer to the event date. The day is open to all and the content will be of particular relevance to European and national trade associations, SMEs, large companies, alternative suppliers and environmental as well as health NGOs.

Registration closes on Thursday 31 July. Places are limited so register now to ensure yours!

Register | Event page

Webinar on Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation – material published

16 June 2014, 11:00 - 12:05 Helsinki Time (EEST, GMT+3)

Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation is one of the last articles of the regulation but it is the starting point for companies to keep their biocidal products on the market. This webinar gave an overview of the status of the preliminary list published by ECHA, on the data requirements and evaluation principles for the submitted dossiers and on the regulatory aspects.


Ongoing consultations

Start: 16 May 2014
Deadline: 30 June 2014
45 testing proposals

Start: 02 June 2014
Deadline: 17 July 2014

43 testing proposals

Start: 05 June 2014
Deadline: 21 July 2014
7 testing proposals

Start: 17 June 2014
Deadline: 1 August 2014
18 testing proposals

Identification of substances of very high concern

No ongoing consultations

Draft recommendation of substances for the Authorisation List

No ongoing consultations

Harmonised classification and labelling

Start: 20 May 2014
Deadline: 4 July 2014
1 CLH proposal

Start: 4 June 2014
Deadline: 21 July 2014
1 CLH proposal

Start: 24 June 2014
Deadline: 8 August 2014
1 CLH proposal


Start: 18 June 2014
Deadline: 18 August 2014
1 consultation on SEAC draft opinion

Start: 3 June 2014
Deadline: 30 August 2014
1 call for evidence

Start: 19 March 2014
Deadline: 19 September 2014
2 restriction proposals

Start: 18 June 2014
Deadline: 18 December 2014
2 restriction proposals

Applications for authorisation

Start: 14 May 2014
Deadline: 9 July 2014
2 consultations

Biocides consultation

Start: 16 June 2014
Deadline: 15 August 2014
2 consultations

European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland