Management Board

The Management Board is the governing body of the Agency. It has a supervisory role with general responsibility for budgetary and planning matters; the appointment of the Executive Director, the members and the Chair of the Board of Appeal and the reporting of ECHA's activities to EU institutions.

The Board is composed of:

  • 27 members from the EU Member States
  • Six representatives of the Commission, including 3 members without voting rights appointed to represent interested parties 
  • Two independent persons appointed by the European Parliament

In addition to the members, the Management Board has invited one observer each from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.



All Management Board members are appointed on the basis of their experience and expertise in the field of chemical safety or the regulation of chemicals. Their term of office is four years and can be renewed once.

The representatives of the Member States are appointed by the Council. The members from European Commission and European Parliament are directly appointed by the institution concerned. Apart from the three members with voting rights, the Commission also appoints three members without voting rights which represent interested parties.


The planned meeting dates for 2024 are the following:

  • 21 March
  • 19 June
  • 26-27 September
  • 12-13 December

The planned meeting dates for 2025 are the following:

  • 20-21 March 2025
  • 17-18 June 2025
  • 25-26 September 2025
  • 11-12 December 2025


The Executive Director is responsible for providing the Secretariat for the Management Board. The Governance, Strategy and Relations Unit of the Agency carries out the practical work.

Correspondence with ECHA's Management Board

Sofia Zisi

Chair of the Management Board

mb-secretariat (at)