FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T17:28:36 2017-12-14T12:27:46 ACTIVE Oct 2017 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.2b.v3 Formulation of Water-borne Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – non-volatile Substances Includes substances which do not evaporate to a significant extent during formulation of the adhesive. Non-volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_0 300.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) OECD 2009, OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Emission Scenario Documents No. 20, EMISSION SCENARIO DOCUMENT ON ADHESIVE FORMULATION, Paris 2009. Formulation of Water-borne Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – non-volatile Substances FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.2b.v3 ERC_2 0.505 0.0097 0.0 0.2 RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case substance use rate (MSPERC) for main ingredients types and guidance can be found in background documentation. FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products false true EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION Equipment cleaned with water, washing disposed of with wastewater false Equipment cleaned with water, washing disposed of with wastewater true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true fb93337d-c15d-4f5e-b49f-f799e97d3d10 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. false true 35e9828e-f724-43f0-92ee-ac44fa264436 b16d7479-ec5a-4c76-8a8d-186845963578 false true 3502c6ac-69e3-40ab-ac66-83e91f49edb8 c0a45fee-bb0f-4db2-a33c-592d3a0eec5e false true cb42f459-f732-4ac0-8a12-a55944ba1f3f Oct 2017 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T17:30:32 2017-12-13T17:30:32 ACTIVE Oct 2017 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.3a.v1 Non-volatile Substances for the Formulation of Cementitious Construction Chemical Products and Tile Adhesives Includes all substances which do not evaporate to a significant extent during formulation of the construction chemical. Non-volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. Storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_0 PC_9b SU_0 300.0 EFCC expert assessment see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Non-volatile Substances for the Formulation of Cementitious Construction Chemical Products and Tile Adhesives FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.3a.v1 ERC_2 0.0 0.005 0.0 0.0 ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false true WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_NO RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case substance use rate (MSPERC) for several ingredient types and guidance for refinement can be found in background documentation. FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Equipment is dry cleaned (sweeping, vacuum cleaning, etc.) • Solid waste is recovered in production wherever possible false • Equipment is dry cleaned (sweeping, vacuum cleaning, etc.) • Solid waste is recovered in production wherever possible true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. The manufacture of construction chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. Typical measures may include e.g. - Closed batch systems and / or - Semi-closed transfer system and/or - Reduced number of transfer and cleaning operations through e.g. dedicated storage tanks for raw materials, premixes and final products false The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. The manufacture of construction chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. Typical measures may include e.g. - Closed batch systems and / or - Semi-closed transfer system and/or - Reduced number of transfer and cleaning operations through e.g. dedicated storage tanks for raw materials, premixes and final products true 7aeaaf0f-98ca-4e75-b131-37807e0bcd13 a6bd8edd-2a2c-4495-8eb1-89753d930dd1 false true ca394e7c-f065-4582-9b0d-05d5fd239722 fdce39ef-2564-4e48-a176-3ae872e4d4ab Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials and products (e.g. cyclones, fabric filter, wet scrubber, electrostatic precipitators (ESP)). false Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials and products (e.g. cyclones, fabric filter, wet scrubber, electrostatic precipitators (ESP)). true 7488e2be-c8da-4188-9aca-b0c33cbd48af AIR 99.0 Oct 2017 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T12:06:39 2018-03-16T12:06:39 ACTIVE March 2018 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8d.1a.v2 Widespread use of volatile substances in adhesives / sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes volatile ingredients which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of <= 250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of adhesives, sealants and construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Adhesives and sealants are applied between two substrates. Upon application curing takes place either via a chemical reaction or via evaporation of a solvent. Construction chemicals cover the uses applied to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes may include: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), extrusion from a cartridge, dipping and pouring of articles www.feica.eu false PROFESSIONAL_WORKER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of volatile substances in adhesive/sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8d.1a.v2 ERC_8d 1.5 98.0 0.0 2.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. • Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_OUTDOOR d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 03b1c4bb-34e9-41fd-bfb4-9cfbd42356ae false true cf4ab4a0-f543-4382-adc6-d776117fa64d March 2018 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-03-23T11:38:46 2018-03-23T11:38:46 ACTIVE March 2018 EFCC SPERC 8c.1a.v2 Widespread use of non-volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes all ingredients which do not evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Non-volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Covers applications of construction chemicals to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes are: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), dipping and pouring of article false PROFESSIONAL_WORKER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of non-volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor EFCC SPERC 8c.1a.v2 ERC_8c 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION - Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. - Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 bd7221b7-8963-40d7-80eb-3a877c2de3d0 false true d7185717-6cb0-4fa2-981e-0aaf0081d863 March 2018 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-03-23T11:40:48 2018-03-23T11:40:48 ACTIVE March 2018 EFCC SPERC 8a.1a.v2 Widespread use of volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes volatile ingredients which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of <= 250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Description of activities/processes: Covers applications of construction chemicals to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes are: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), dipping and pouring of article false CONSUMER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor EFCC SPERC 8a.1a.v2 ERC_8a 1.5 98.0 0.0 2.0 ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION - Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. - Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 bd7221b7-8963-40d7-80eb-3a877c2de3d0 false true d7185717-6cb0-4fa2-981e-0aaf0081d863 March 2018 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T12:20:39 2018-03-16T12:20:39 ACTIVE March 2018 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8f.1a.v2 Widespread use of non-volatile substances in adhesives / sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes all ingredients which do not evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Non-volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of adhesives, sealants and construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Adhesives and sealants are applied between two substrates. Upon application curing takes place either via a chemical reaction or via evaporation of a solvent. Construction chemicals cover the uses applied to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes may include: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), extrusion from a cartridge, dipping and pouring of articles. www.feica.eu false CONSUMER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of non-volatile substances in adhesives/sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8f.1a.v2 ERC_8f 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.0 ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_OUTDOOR EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. • Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 bd7221b7-8963-40d7-80eb-3a877c2de3d0 false true d7185717-6cb0-4fa2-981e-0aaf0081d863 March 2018 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T12:09:38 2018-03-16T12:09:38 ACTIVE March 2018 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8d.1a.v2 Widespread use of volatile substances in adhesives / sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes volatile ingredients which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of <= 250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of adhesives, sealants and construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Adhesives and sealants are applied between two substrates. Upon application curing takes place either via a chemical reaction or via evaporation of a solvent. Construction chemicals cover the uses applied to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes may include: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), extrusion from a cartridge, dipping and pouring of articles www.feica.eu false CONSUMER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of volatile substances in adhesive/sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8d.1a.v2 ERC_8d 1.5 98.0 0.0 2.0 ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_OUTDOOR EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. • Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 03b1c4bb-34e9-41fd-bfb4-9cfbd42356ae false true cf4ab4a0-f543-4382-adc6-d776117fa64d March 2018 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-02-09T16:22:08 2018-02-09T16:22:08 ACTIVE FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1c.v3 Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products– volatile Substances (Small Scale, < 1500 t/a of products) Includes solvents which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the adhesives. Volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of <=250°C. storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities; Solvent based process www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_0 300.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) OECD 2009, OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Emission Scenario Documents No. 20, EMISSION SCENARIO DOCUMENT ON ADHESIVE FORMULATION, Paris 2009. Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products– volatile Substances (Small Scale, < 1500 t/a of products) FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1c.v3 ERC_2 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.2 RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case substance use rate (MSPERC) for several ingredient types and guidance for refinement can be found in background documentation. FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products false true EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false • Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false true WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_NO d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true fb93337d-c15d-4f5e-b49f-f799e97d3d10 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. false true 35e9828e-f724-43f0-92ee-ac44fa264436 b16d7479-ec5a-4c76-8a8d-186845963578 false true 9259023d-55b5-4995-a84a-51d77cb2e3cc Oct 2017 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-02-09T16:20:31 2018-02-09T16:20:31 ACTIVE FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1b.v3 Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – volatile Substances (Large Scale, > 1500 t/a of products) Includes solvents which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the adhesives. Volatiles are defined by a boiling point threshold of <=250°C. storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_0 300.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) OECD 2009, OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Emission Scenario Documents No. 20, EMISSION SCENARIO DOCUMENT ON ADHESIVE FORMULATION, Paris 2009. Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – volatile Substances (Large Scale, > 1500 t/a of products) FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1b.v3 ERC_2 0.0 0.36 0.0 0.2 RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case substance use rate (MSPERC) and guidance for refinement can be found in background documentation. FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products. false true EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. • Vapor recovery (adsorption) or other technique for reducing volatiles emissions (incineration, thermal oxidation) false • Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. • Vapor recovery (adsorption) or other technique for reducing volatiles emissions (incineration, thermal oxidation) true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false true WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_NO d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true fb93337d-c15d-4f5e-b49f-f799e97d3d10 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. false true 35e9828e-f724-43f0-92ee-ac44fa264436 b16d7479-ec5a-4c76-8a8d-186845963578 false true 9259023d-55b5-4995-a84a-51d77cb2e3cc 21c5cd45-b23b-46d3-800e-41bc4ca92e1e false true d66a148d-79e8-47fa-aaad-49b7b6063905 7bcccf7e-0f96-4bf7-b5c7-c4cf1c7f42c7 false true a6bd5d75-dc9b-4734-8ce0-2af8a19b9431 AIR 80.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Oct 2017 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T17:27:06 2017-12-14T12:26:25 ACTIVE Oct 2017 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.2a.v3 Formulation of Water-borne Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – Volatile Substances Includes solvents which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the adhesives. Volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of <=250°C. storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_0 300.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) OECD 2009, OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Emission Scenario Documents No. 20, EMISSION SCENARIO DOCUMENT ON ADHESIVE FORMULATION, Paris 2009. Formulation of Water-borne Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products – Volatile Substances FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.2a.v3 ERC_2 0.5 2.25 0.0 0.2 RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case substance use rate (MSPERC) for several ingredient types and guidance for refinement can be found in background documentation. false true EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION Equipment cleaned with water, washing disposed of with wastewater false Equipment cleaned with water, washing disposed of with wastewater true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true fb93337d-c15d-4f5e-b49f-f799e97d3d10 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. false true 35e9828e-f724-43f0-92ee-ac44fa264436 b16d7479-ec5a-4c76-8a8d-186845963578 false true 361e30d8-b9b7-46b8-a5ed-ed6878cb4e54 Oct 2017 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-03-23T11:41:42 2018-03-23T11:41:42 ACTIVE March 2018 EFCC SPERC 8a.1a.v2 Widespread use of volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes volatile ingredients which evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of <=250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Description of activities/processes: Covers applications of construction chemicals to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes are: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), dipping and pouring of article false PROFESSIONAL_WORKER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor EFCC SPERC 8a.1a.v2 ERC_8a 1.5 98.0 0.0 2.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION - Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. - Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 03b1c4bb-34e9-41fd-bfb4-9cfbd42356ae false true cf4ab4a0-f543-4382-adc6-d776117fa64d March 2018 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T12:21:14 2018-03-16T12:21:14 ACTIVE March 2018 FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8f.1a.v2 Widespread use of non-volatile substances in adhesives / sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes all ingredients which do not evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Non-volatile substances are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of adhesives, sealants and construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Adhesives and sealants are applied between two substrates. Upon application curing takes place either via a chemical reaction or via evaporation of a solvent. Construction chemicals cover the uses applied to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes may include: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), extrusion from a cartridge, dipping and pouring of articles. www.feica.eu false PROFESSIONAL_WORKER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of non-volatile substances in adhesives/sealants and construction chemical products - outdoor FEICA / EFCC SPERC 8f.1a.v2 ERC_8f 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION • Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. • Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_OUTDOOR d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 bd7221b7-8963-40d7-80eb-3a877c2de3d0 false true d7185717-6cb0-4fa2-981e-0aaf0081d863 March 2018 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-02-09T15:52:38 2018-02-09T15:52:38 ACTIVE FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1a.v3 Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products - non-volatile Substances Includes substances other than solvents which do not evaporate to a significant extent during formulation of the adhesive. Non-volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. storing, mixing, packaging, filling of substances (as part of preparations) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities www.feica.eu false FORMULATION INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_0 300.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) Tolls et al. 2016. Estimating emissions from adhesives/sealants uses and manufacturing for use in environmental risk assessment. Intergr Environ Assess Manag, (Jan, 2016) OECD 2009, OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Emission Scenario Documents No. 20, EMISSION SCENARIO DOCUMENT ON ADHESIVE FORMULATION, Paris 2009. Formulation of Solvent-borne and Solvent-less Adhesives / Sealants and Construction Chemical Products - non-volatile Substances FEICA / EFCC SPERC 2.1a.v3 ERC_2 0.02 0.08 0.0 0.2 RELEASE_MODULE_DAILY_USE_AT_SITE The indicative worst case use rate values (MSPERC) for individual ingredient types and guidance for refinement can be found in background documentation. FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products. false true EUSES_DISCHARGE_RATE_OF_STP false true 2000.0 EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP false false APPLICATION_OF_THE_STP-YES WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste false Equipment cleaned with organic solvent, washings are collected and disposed of as solvent waste true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false true WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_NO ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true fb93337d-c15d-4f5e-b49f-f799e97d3d10 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. false true 35e9828e-f724-43f0-92ee-ac44fa264436 b16d7479-ec5a-4c76-8a8d-186845963578 false true 3502c6ac-69e3-40ab-ac66-83e91f49edb8 c0a45fee-bb0f-4db2-a33c-592d3a0eec5e false true cb42f459-f732-4ac0-8a12-a55944ba1f3f Oct 2017 Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-03-23T11:39:57 2018-03-23T11:39:57 ACTIVE March 2018 EFCC SPERC 8c.1a.v2 Widespread use of non-volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor Substance types / functions / properties included or excluded: Includes all ingredients which do not evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the product. Non-volatile ingredients are defined by a boiling point threshold of >250°C. Additional specification of product types covered: Covers the application of construction chemicals for a wide range of purposes by consumers and by professional uses. Covers applications of construction chemicals to buildings, their trim and fittings and construction purposes. Key processes are: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. Roller application or brushing, spraying (non-industrial), dipping and pouring of article false CONSUMER_USE INDUSTRIAL PC_1 PC_9b PC_9a SU_19 5.5E-6 The value of the Fraction of Regional tonnage used locally is identical to the default settings of the REACH Guidance (0.002). The respective value needs to be defined by the registrant based on his intelligence of the market of the substance. 365 emission days see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products see background document FEICA / EFCC (2017): Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the wide spread use of adhesives, sealants and construction chemical products Widespread use of non-volatile substances in construction chemical products - indoor EFCC SPERC 8c.1a.v2 ERC_8c 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.0 WASTE_TREATMENT_CONSIDERATION - Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. - Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. false Residues of products must be cured in the container before discarded via household waste. Larger solvent washing volumes are collected and disposed of as solvent waste. true WASTE_CONSIDERATION_OTHER_TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE false true ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_OF_USE_INDOOR WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE false false WATER_CONTACT_DURING_USE_YES EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP false true EUSES_BIOLOGICAL_STP-STANDARD WATER d3901f5c-ec0d-4370-b581-065c72ba5461 false true 89e72dbb-26cc-4fa8-b3ed-938b535c4c18 c22afc18-6782-448d-9942-7c5b506d8589 false true 670a7e48-bed5-4f5b-a3f9-0b3d3129522e ca52dffe-af80-4945-8fad-f2e3c943f9bd false true 3958a7f8-bc78-4bed-9a0c-85951b35bc33 bd7221b7-8963-40d7-80eb-3a877c2de3d0 false true d7185717-6cb0-4fa2-981e-0aaf0081d863 March 2018 FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T11:28:43 2018-03-16T11:28:43 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR E_W_3 E_C_4 Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission. Upon curing, substances evaporate to the ambient air true Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission. Upon curing, substances evaporate to the ambient air true FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T14:49:20 2017-12-13T14:49:20 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT FEICA EFCC false WATER E_W_3 E_C_4 batch process, no onsite RMM considered as there is no contact/release to water false batch process, no onsite RMM considered as there is no contact/release to water true Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2018-02-09T15:57:34 2018-02-09T15:59:30 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR E_W_3 E_C_4 RMM true Waste gas treatment, adsorption, incineration, etc. (80% efficiency) true AIR 80.0 FEICA / EFCC (2017). Specific Environmental Release Categories (SPERCs) for the formulation of adhesives and sealants and construction chemical products Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT EUSES Determinant true WATER E_W_4 EUSES 2.1.2 Yes true false No false ESCom-11133170644 true Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT true AIR SOIL WATER E_W_6 E_C_4 Indoor false ESCom-9313213237 true Outdoor false ESCom-9313213238 true Indoor/Outdoor false ESCom-10133220202 true Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT EUSES Determinant true WATER E_W_4 E_C_4 EUSES 2.1.2 Standard true ESCom-11133170613 true WATER 0.0 100.0 Site specific false ESCom-11133171638 true WATER 0.0 100.0 None false false WATER 0.0 0.0 0.0 Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT EUSES Determinant true WATER E_W_4 EUSES 2.1.2 2000.0 0.0 >= ESCom-11133170818 ESCom-10133222104 true Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT ReleaseModule's Determinant true AIR SOIL WATER E_W_2 EUSES 2.1.2 0.0 <= ESCom-15193135620 ESCom-10076084403 true Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 2015-03-16T16:40:11 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT Specific conditions during the waste life stage of the substance potentially going beyond the local or national legal requirements for waste treatment (disposal or recovery) operations. The determinant values either provide i) a generic justification why no particular considerations regarding environmental risks from the waste life stage are needed or ii) indicate particular conditions to be met during waste treatment. For both assessment cases the single registrant can edit justification/conditions if the generic determinant values do not cover his case. true WATER E_W_5 E_C_3 EUSES 2.1.2 No (no waste) false No waste generated. ESCom-11133170674 true No (low risk) false ERC based assessment demonstrating control of risk with default conditions. Low risk assumed for waste life stage. Waste disposal according to national/local legislation is sufficient. ESCom-11133171479 true No (low amount) false Particular risks from waste treatment unlikely due to small fraction of used substance entering into the waste stage. Waste disposal according to national/local legislation is sufficient. ESCom-11133171479 true No (low concentration) false Particular risks from waste treatment unlikely due low concentration of substance in waste stream. Waste disposal according to national/local legislation is sufficient. ESCom-11133171479 true No (other reason) false Waste disposal according to national/local legislation is sufficient. "Explanation for the CSR" to be reported by each registrant: ESCom-11133171479 true Dedicated recollection infrastructure required false ESCom-12355002107 true Biological treatment not appropriate false ESCom-12355002101 true Incineration not appropriate false ESCom-12355002100 true Prevent formation of hazardous break down products during thermal waste treatment destruction. false Prevent formation of hazardous break down products during thermal waste treatment. true Closed system required to minimise release to the environment. false Closed system required to minimise release to the environment during waste treatment. true Other false "Explanation for the CSR" to be reported by each registrant on the specific conditions required for waste treatment: true Chesar IUC5-97ce9eec-ebfd-4b2d-a61b-b9a975e920b5 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT true WATER E_W_6 E_C_4 Yes false false No false ESCom-16354140700 true A.I.S.E. IUC5-8da076c6-3275-4851-a726-2586b783a7e8 2012-11-09T10:09:20 2015-02-05T10:59:20 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT General good practice false AIR SOIL WATER E_W_6 Trained staff, spill protection including waste reuse true ESCom-12355002133 true FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T09:24:39 2017-12-13T09:24:39 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR E_W_3 E_C_4 use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of VOCs true use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of VOCs true use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of VOCs. Use of general and manufacturing plant extraction to maintain emissions of airborne VOCs below the levels permitted by 1999/13/EG. false use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of VOCs. Use of general and manufacturing plant extraction to maintain emissions of airborne VOCs below the levels permitted by 1999/13/EG. true use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of solids below respective OELs. Use of general and manufacturing plant extraction. false use of closed or covered manufacturing equipment to minimise evaporative losses of solids below respective OELs. Use of general and manufacturing plant extraction. true FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T11:27:32 2018-03-16T11:27:32 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false WATER E_W_3 E_C_4 Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission. Upon curing, substances are included into matrix without intended release to the environment. Very little water contact possible. true Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission. Upon curing, substances are included into matrix without intended release to the environment. Very little water contact possible. true FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2017-12-13T09:22:16 2017-12-13T09:22:16 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR E_W_3 E_C_3 Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials with efficiencies of 99% true Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials with efficiencies of 99% true Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials and products (e.g. cyclones, fabric filter, wet scrubber, electrostatic precipitators (ESP)). false Air extraction systems with dust filters during transfer and formulation of powder raw materials and products (e.g. cyclones, fabric filter, wet scrubber, electrostatic precipitators (ESP)). true Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2017-12-13T09:11:56 2017-12-13T09:11:56 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR SOIL WATER E_W_3 E_C_4 maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials in multi-stage batch manufacturing process of construction chemicals true The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. The manufacture of construction chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. Typical measures may include e.g. - Closed batch systems and / or - Reduced number of transfer and cleaning operations through e.g. dedicated storage tanks for raw materials, premixes and final products The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. The manufacture of construction chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. Typical measures may include e.g. - Closed batch systems and / or - Reduced number of transfer and cleaning operations through e.g. dedicated storage tanks for raw materials, premixes and final products true maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials in multi-stage batch process of adhesive chemicals false The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. The manufacture of adhesive chemicals is a multi-stage batch process. The process is arranged to maximise the efficiency of use of input raw materials, through the highest conversion into formulated products. true Information on proper dosing is provided on packaging. false Information on proper dosing is provided on packaging. true Information on proper dosing is provided on packaging. Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission false Information on proper dosing is provided on packaging. Professional and consumer product use with limited or no technical control of emission true Targeted application of adhesive / sealant to substrate, Upon curing, substances are included into matrix without intended release to the environment. Solvents evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the adhesives. false Targeted application of adhesive / sealant to substrate, Upon curing, substances are included into matrix without intended release to the environment. Solvents evaporate to a significant extent upon curing of the adhesives. true FEICA (Fédération Européenne des Industries de Colles et Adhésifs) IUC5-f5cf47b8-7086-493f-8750-5f9dfd70cbe3 2018-03-16T11:26:00 2018-03-16T11:26:00 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT Equipment cleaning false WATER E_W_3 E_C_4 Equipment cleaned with solvent (organic or water), washing disposed of with wastewater. true Equipment cleaned with solvent (organic or water), washing disposed of with wastewater true Equipment cleaned with water, additional wastewater emission controls are not applicable as releases to wastewater are small. false Equipment cleaned with water, additional wastewater emission controls are not applicable as releases to wastewater are small. true Deutsche Bauchemie e.V. IUC5-12bcf1e9-155c-4840-a3f9-acc6fc9be4bf 2017-12-13T09:04:13 2018-02-12T14:53:20 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR SOIL WATER E_W_3 E_C_4 High degree of automation in adhesive / sealant formulation true High degree of automation in adhesive / sealant formulation true Manual false Manual raw materials handling true Arche IUC5-ed09f587-8402-4550-b56d-8182a1c60217 2017-10-20T09:46:32 2017-10-20T09:46:54 ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT false AIR E_W_3 RMM true true AIR 90.0 50.0 100.0 Daily amount per site true true true Indoor/Outdoor use false false false Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow true true true Sewage treatment plant used. false false false No application of sewage sludge to soil false false false No waste from process false false false m3/day false false false Dispose of waste product or used containers according to local regulations. false false false Provide onsite wastewater removal efficiency of true true true Incineration is not appropriate for waste. false false false Biological treatment is not appropriate for waste. false false false Dedicated recollection infrastructure required for waste. false false false Trained staff, spill protection including waste reuse false false false tonnes/day false false false No water contact during use. false false false Indoor use false false false Outdoor use false false false