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Updated information on the Directors' Contact Group (DCG)

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Media enquiries: ECHA Press

ECHA has expanded the document summarising the DCG issues and their solutions. Registrants are invited to read the updated Summary Paper and an additional Notice on how to use the DCG web forms.

Helsinki, 12 November 2010 - ECHA has expanded the DCG Summary Paper to provide more information for registrants. This supplementary information for issues 1, 5, 21, 22, 24 and 28 is available in 22 EU languages. The new version of the Summary Paper has now been published in place of the previous version which has been available since 27 September.

Registrants should read the Notice on how to use the DCG web forms if they are affected by issues 10 (Completeness of dossiers), 15 (Legal Entity change), 20 (Dependency on the Lead Registrant) or 21 (SIEF without an EU manufacturer), because the Notice complements the information given in the Summary Paper, making it easier for companies to judge whether they fall under one of the exceptional cases.