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Updated Guidance on registration

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Media enquiries: ECHA Press

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published an updated version of the Guidance on registration following the conclusion of the consultation process. The Guidance is now available in the 'Guidance on REACH' section of the ECHA website.

Helsinki, 2 May 2012 - The Guidance on registration was first published in 2007 and was subsequently corrected or amended on several occasions. A full revision of the guidance was however necessary in order to provide a clearer, simpler and more user friendly document for registrants, especially SMEs.

Accordingly, ECHA prepared a comprehensive revised draft of the guidance document that underwent a full consultation with ECHA partners. The new version 2.0 reflects the implementation of the feedback received at the different stages of that process.

The structure and the content of the document has been thoroughly revised and duplications and inconsistencies resulting from the successive previous amendments have been removed. The restructuring involves the division of the document into two well defined parts; part I focusing on the explanation and clarification of the registration requirements and part II providing practical instructions to registrants on how to prepare and submit a dossier with reference to the different IT tools and manuals. Additionally, the updated Guidance offers further clarifications and examples based on the experience gathered since the REACH Regulation's entry into force.

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