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Future developments in IUCLID

News Alert
Media enquiries: ECHA Press

The IUCLID team announces its plans for the future development of IUCLID, and introduces new communication channels to keep users better informed.

Helsinki, 07 December 2011 - To keep users updated on the current state of the IUCLID project, and the important future milestones, the 'IUCLID 5 Project' sections of the IUCLID website have been updated. Important information about future releases is available on the web page 'Development'. For example, there is information about the next maintenance release, IUCLID 5.3.2, and the next major service release, IUCLID 5.4. The latter involves changes to the software requirements for IUCLID, such as the ending of support for the web application server, WebLogic.

In the past, news alerts published on the IUCLID website that are considered to be of importance, have been sent to all the IUCLID users registered on the website and listed as wishing to receive information related to IUCLID. The IUCLID team would like to use this communication channel more often, and in a more targeted way. To this end, users registered on the IUCLID website can now subscribe to one or more information streams that are tailored to various different areas of interest.

It appears that in the past, the majority of the user accounts on the IUCLID website were created by the people in charge of maintaining the IUCLID software. Therefore, many users have not been receiving announcements directly. The IUCLID team would prefer to be able to send information straight to all users of IUCLID. Therefore, we encourage all users of IUCLID to create their own accounts and to subscribe to the information channel(s) of their choice. Examples of the channels available are shown below:

  • News Alerts;
  • FAQ updates;
  • IT-related information;
  • Business-related information.

Finally, we would also like to remind all users that they can still submit ideas on how to improve IUCLID to the forum hosted by the OECD, IUCLID User Requirements Forum. Please note that any issues considered as a bug or installation problem should be reported to the ECHA Helpdesk.



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