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EU Ombudsman closes three complaints in ECHA's favour


The European Ombudsman has closed three complaints and found no maladministration in ECHA's activities.

The first complaint (1826/2010/VL) was based on what information from registration dossiers can be disclosed under access to document (ATD) requests. The Ombudsman found that ECHA had correctly applied the ATD rules but also indicated that the minimum of five working days needs to be respected when the Agency consults third parties and that national holidays should be taken into account.

The second complaint (2469/2011/VL) related to the information that is published from registration dossiers. In May 2011, ECHA informed of our intention to publish the names of registrants. The complainant challenged this. The Ombudsman concluded that ECHA's interpretation of the legislation was reasonable since the Court of Justice had not offered its own interpretation.

The third compaint (2185/2013/EIS) concerned the need for candidates to submit an ECHA CV during selection procedures following the Agency's decision to reject a candidate's Europass CV. Since the vacancy notices clearly state that an ECHA CV is required and as the ECHA CV is more detailed than the Europass CV, the Ombudsman found in favour of ECHA.