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ECHA to SME registrants: check your company size


If your company is micro, small or medium-sized (SME), check that you have stated your company size correctly in REACH-IT when registering your substance. If the size was declared incorrectly, inform ECHA to avoid an administrative charge.

Helsinki, 10 September 2024 – ECHA is continually initiating new verifications on the size of companies who have declared they are an SME at the time of their REACH registration.

If you realise that the company size you declared at the time of your registration was smaller than it actually was, contact ECHA’s Helpdesk without undue delay.

If ECHA identifies the error during the verification process, you will have to pay an administrative charge of up to EUR 19 900, in addition to the difference to the correct registration fee. However, if you inform ECHA about the correct company size before the verification process begins, you will not have to pay the administrative charge, but only the difference to the correct registration fee.

Help on how to determine your company size is available on ECHA’s website.

Remember to upload documents that support your SME status in REACH-IT. Also, regularly check your REACH-IT account for new messages and tasks, and keep your registrations and contact details up to date.

Press contact: Päivi Jokiniemi,, +358 50 416 7629