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ECHA starts publishing dossier evaluation decisions

Press release
Media enquiries: ECHA Press

From the 13 December 2012 onwards, ECHA's dossier evaluation decisions on compliance checks and examination of testing proposals will be available on the Agency's website.

Helsinki, 13 December 2012 – To improve the transparency of its decision making process, ECHA has decided to publish non-confidential versions of all dossier evaluation decisions originating from compliance checks and examination of testing proposals on the Agency's website. From now on, these decisions will be available and in most cases with a link to the related aggregated registration information as contained in ECHA's dissemination portal. ECHA will continue publishing available decisions on a regular basis.

There will also be a dedicated search functionality to help users to find specific dossier evaluation decisions. Decisions can be searched by evaluation process, decision number, date of issue and optionally the search can be based on the substance name, EC or CAS number when these data are public.

It should be noted that the decisions will be published some time after their adoption, since before publishing, ECHA will contact the addressees of the decisions to get their feedback on the non-confidential version it intends to publish. ECHA notes that the published documents represent decisions with blanked out sections that have been claimed confidential by the registrant and were deemed to harm their commercial interest if disclosed. In addition, any personal data has been removed from the documents. The decisions are only available in their original language.

By publication of the dossier evaluation decisions, ECHA further increases its transparency and offers registrants and third parties a new opportunity to follow and increase their insight into the outcome of the evaluation processes of compliance check and testing proposal examinations.