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ECHA publishes new tools for preparation and submission of Authorisation Applications

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Media enquiries: ECHA Press

ECHA has today updated its web section on applications for authorisation. The web section now includes web forms for dossier submission and templates for dossier preparation. Application dossiers for authorisation need to be created using the newest version of IUCLID5.

Helsinki, 05 April 2011 - ECHA has updated its web section on applications for authorisation to provide companies with further tools to prepare and submit an application. In particular, templates to document an analysis of alternatives, a socio-economic analysis and a substitution plan have been made available. Potential applicants can also find a Fee Calculator to estimate the fee related to their applications.

ECHA has also published new specific web forms for applicants to prepare and submit their applications for authorisation.

A new Data Submission Manual explains in detail how to prepare an Application for Authorisation using IUCLID 5.3, and how to use the web forms for dossier submission.